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The Community Partners Course

What you need to know about the course and how to start training your Community Partners about the McKinney-Vento Law

What is the Community Partners Course?
The Community Partners course is 30-minute training to help educate community partners on the educational requirements of the McKinney-Vento Federal Law, with a focus on the differences between MV and HUD homeless assistance, educational requirements, and how they can assist LEAs in serving youth experiencing homelessness more effectively.

Who can take the Community Partners Course?
Members and employees of local shelters, food pantries, community mental health providers, housing, dental/health/eye care centers, public health (including WIC) offices, civic organizations, YMCA, businesses, libraries and more may participate in the course.

How can the members of the community take the course?
The process is easy and straightforward! You can simply download and edit the Community Partners Welcome Letter we've linked below. Once edited, you can copy and paste in an email, and send to any community partners you work with. They will then follow the directions in the email to register and take their 10-minute course! Click Here to view the registration process.

If you already have a list of users in your district who'd want to take the Community Partners course, you can send us their information in an Excel document so we can create an account for them. We would need their First Name, Last Name and Email Address - Click Here to submit this information.